Rosemary’s Legacy

Rosemary’s Legacy Sponsorship

You’re invited to participate in a special tribute in memory of Rosemary Doyle and in honor of her lifetime commitment of books, reading, and education.

Rosemary built a garden here on earth.

A garden that will grow through time for the world to harvest.

She believed in Building God’s Garden here on Earth.

She taught us to live as if you are planting flowers in God’s garden.

She lived by bringing heaven down to earth for our learning and enjoyment.

Where she walked the garden grew with flowers of love, learning and wisdom.

Loving, teaching, planting and growing; That’s what she was to the world.

A life lived singing in the garden behind the sound of children reading.

Live life and share it with others.

Love once received will never leave.


Would you like to discuss planned giving (bequests, appreciated securities, gifts of life insurance, gifts of retirement plans, IRA rollovers)?
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