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Having Fun with Nutrition, Food, and Fitness in the Classroom (In Person)

Tuesday, November 8, from 6:30-8:30 pm

Expand on your knowledge of incorporating practical knowledge and self-care routines into your daily structure by developing nutritious menus and preparing nutritious food with the children. Learn how incorporating a variety of healthy foods into the daily routine with help children become investigators of their world through taste, texture, smell and other sensory input. Discuss techniques that will make the most of these learning experiences at mealtime. Expand on your knowledge of incorporating perceptual motor skills and gross motor movement into your daily structure by developing strategies for different types of movement into some classroom routines, indoor active play, and outdoor active play. Learn how incorporating a variety of movement types into the day can affect the activity level of the class. Discuss techniques that will make the most of these learning experiences. (Trainer: Aimee Aldermann, Education Consultant) Age Focus: All Ages.


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